Dairy Farm International

Filth, cruelty, and discrimination from Roark Capital Group

A shocking look at the egg supply chain for Subway, which is owned by Roark Capital Group

Have you ever eaten at Subway restaurants? If so, you may want to think again. A shocking investigation released by Equitas reveals food safety risks and extreme animal cruelty behind the eggs used at Subway restaurants in Asia.

Malaysia’s QL Poultry Farms, Taiwan’s Tainan Eggs, and Philippines’ BEPCO are key egg suppliers in Asia to Subway, which is owned by Roark Capital. On these farms, feces, and dirt are caked on the bars of cages where eggs are laid, and excrement piles up just inches away from eggs and the birds themselves. Mother hens are crammed for nearly their entire lives in battery cages so small and cruel they are illegal in dozens of countries around the world. Wild birds were found to be coming in and out of these Subway supplier farms, causing a serious risk of spreading avian influenza.

The large majority of the world’s leading food companies have set a timeline for shifting to sell and use only cage-free eggs across Asia and globally, including leading international restaurant chains such as Shake Shack, KFC, Pizza Hut, Saladstop!, Costa Coffee, Burger King, Taco Bell, Tim Hortons, Arby’s, Papa John’s, Dunkin’, Benihana, Outback Steakhouse, Panda Express, Cinnabon, Baskin Robbins, Illy, Krispy Kreme, and Pret A Manger. Even two of Roark’s own portfolio companies and QSR giants – Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s have committed to using only cage=free eggs globally. But not Subway..

It’s time for Subway and Roark Capital Group to stop supporting this severe animal cruelty, discriminating against its customers, and putting its customers at risk. It’s time for Subway to catch up with other leading quick-service restaurants and set a timeline sourcing only cage-free eggs globally.

Sign the petition!

Roark: I won’t eat at any of Subway restaurants, until they catch up with other leading food companies and commit to stop using eggs from filthy, cruel battery cages. It’s time for Subway to go 100% cage-free!

    Egg safety - Food safety risks

    Food Safety Risks Of Caged Eggs

    Over a dozen scientific studies have found that caged egg farms have dramatically higher rates of salmonella contamination. The European Food Safety Authority conducted the largest study ever on the issue, analyzing data from five thousand farms. It found that caged egg farms are 25 times more likely to be contaminated with key salmonella strains. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17)

    There are numerous reasons why packing hens in cages causes food safety risks. Research by the United States Department of Agriculture shows the stress of cage confinement makes hens more vulnerable to disease. Cages are also hard to clean and disinfect, leading to “a larger volume of contaminated fecal material and dust.” (18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23)

    Caged Eggs Are Cruel

    Just like dogs and cats, chickens are smart, intelligent individuals that feel pleasure and pain. Packing an animal for nearly her entire life in a cage so small she can barely turn around is simply wrong. (24)

    Battery cages are so cruel they have been banned in dozens of countries around the world. Every mainstream animal protection organization around the world condemns battery cages as cruel and inhumane. (25, 26, 27)

    Here is what just a few such organizations have said:


    “Hens in cages are more prone to stress and injury, and an increased risk of salmonella.”

    World Animal Protection


    “Intensive farm animal confinement is barbaric and out of line with contemporary values.”

    American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

    World Animal Protection

    「“The RSPCA is calling for all cage systems to be banned…and for laying hens to be kept in well-managed alternative systems.”

    Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

    These organisations are not associated with this website。

    Battery Cage Photo 1 - Battery Cages

    Battery cages

    Subway, which is owned by Roark Capital, continues to serve customers eggs from suppliers who confine hens in cruel and filthy battery cages

    Battery Cage Photo 2 - Dirty


    At egg suppliers to Subway, hens defecate in the same barren cages they lay eggs in.

    Battery Cage Photo 3 - Animal Cruelty


    At these Subway supplier farms, dead hens are left to decompose in the aisles just inches from live birds and eggs

    Downloads and Documentation

    All video clips and photos on this site are in the public domain and can be downloaded and used freely by anyone, including the media.

    All videos and photos on this site are from QL Poultry Farms in Malaysia, Tainan Eggs in Taiwan, and BEPCO supplier farms in the Philippines, which supply eggs to Subway restaurants in Asia.

    Documentation that the footage was taken at this supplier’s farms, and the eggs from these suppliers are supplied at Subway, is available online here.

    Equitas is a global non-profit consumer and animal protection organisation based in the UK.

    Citations on the food safety risks and animal cruelty of battery cages:

    1: Van Hoorebeke S, Van Immerseel F, Schulz J, et al. 2010. Determination of the within and between flock prevalence and identification of risk factors for Salmonella infections in laying hen flocks housed in conventional and alternative systems. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 94(1-2):94-100.

    2: Snow LC, Davies RH, Christiansen KH, et al. 2010. Investigation of risk factors for Salmonella on commercial egg-laying farms in Great Britain, 2004-2005. Veterinary Record 166(19):579-86.

    3: 2010. Annual Report on Zoonoses in Denmark 2009. National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark.

    4: Van Hoorebeke S, Van Immerseel F, De Vylder J et al. 2010. The age of production system and previous Salmonella infections on farm are risk factors for low-level Salmonella infections in laying hen flocks. Poultry Science 89:1315-1319.

    5: Huneau-Salaün A, Chemaly M, Le Bouquin S, et al. 2009. Risk factors for Salmonella enterica subsp. Enteric contamination in 5 French laying hen flocks at the end of the laying period. Preventative Veterinary Medicine 89:51-8.


    6: Green AR, Wesley I, Trampel DW, et al. 2009 Air quality and bird health status in three types of commercial egg layer houses. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 18:605-621.

    7: Schulz J, Luecking G, Dewulf J, Hartung J. 2009. Prevalence of Salmonella in German battery cages and alternative housing systems. 14th International congress of the International Society for Animal Hygiene: Sustainable animal husbandry : prevention is better than cure. pp. 699-702. http://www.safehouse-project.eu/vars/fichiers/pub_defaut/Schulz_Salmonella_ISAH%202009.ppt.

    8: Namata H, Méroc E, Aerts M, et al. 2008. Salmonella in Belgian laying hens: an identification of risk factors. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 83(3-4):323-36.

    9: Mahé A, Bougeard S, Huneau-Salaün A, et al. 2008. Bayesian estimation of flock-level sensitivity of detection of Salmonella spp. Enteritidis and Typhimurium according to the sampling procedure in French laying-hen houses. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 84(1-2):11-26.

    10: Pieskus J, et al. 2008. Salmonella incidence in broiler and laying hens with the different housing systems. Journal of Poultry Science 45:227-231.

    11: European Food Safety Authority. 2007. Report of the Task Force on Zoonoses Data Collection on the Analysis of the baseline study on the prevalence of Salmonella in holdings of laying hen flocks of Gallus gallus. The EFSA Journal 97. www.efsa.europa.eu/EFSA/efsa_locale-1178620753812_1178620761896.htm.

    12: Snow LC, Davies RH, Christiansen KH, et al. 2007. Survey of the prevalence of Salmonella species on commercial laying farms in the United Kingdom. The Veterinary Record 161(14):471-6.

    13: Methner U, Diller R, Reiche R, and Böhland K. 2006. [Occurence of salmonellae in laying hens in different housing systems and inferences for control]. Berliner und Münchener tierärztliche Wochenschrift 119(11-12):467-73.

    14: Much P, Österreicher E, Lassnig. H. 2007. Results of the EU-wide Baseline Study on the Prevalence of Salmonella spp. in Holdings of Laying Hens in Austria. Archiv für Lebensmittelhygiene 58:225-229.

    15: Stepien-Pysniak D. 2010. Occurrence of Gram-negative bacteria in hens’ eggs depending on their source and storage conditions. Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences 13(3):507-13.

    16: Humane Society International, “An HSI Report: Food Safety and Cage Egg Production” (2010). HSI Reports: Farm Animal Protection. 3. http://animalstudiesrepository.org/hsi_reps_fap/3

    17: European Food Safety Authority. 2007. Report of the Task Force on Zoonoses Data Collection on the Analysis of the baseline study on the prevalence of Salmonella in holdings of laying hen flocks of Gallus gallus. The EFSA Journal 97. www.efsa.europa.eu/EFSA/efsa_locale-1178620753812_1178620761896.htm

    18: The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration. 2004. The national Salmonella control programme for the production of table eggs and broilers 1996-2002. Fødevare Rapport 6, March.

    19: Davies R and Breslin M. 2003. Observations on Salmonella contamination of commercial laying farms before and after cleaning and disinfection. The Veterinary Record 152(10):283-7.

    20: Methner U, Rabsch W, Reissbrodt R, and Williams PH. 2008. Effect of norepinephrine on colonisation and systemic spread of Salmonella enterica in infected animals: Role of catecholate siderophore precursors and degradation products. International Journal of Medical Microbiology 298(5-6):429-39.

    21: Bailey MT, Karaszewski JW, Lubach GR, Coe CL, and Lyte M. 1999. In vivo adaptation of attenuated Salmonella Typhimurium results in increased growth upon exposure to norepinephrine. Physiology and Behavior 67(3):359-64.

    22: Shini S, Kaiser P, Shini A, and Bryden WL. 2008. Biological response of chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) induced by corticosterone and a bacterial endotoxin. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part B. 149(2):324-33.

    23: Rostagno MH. 2009. Can stress in farm animals increase food safety risk? Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 6(7):767-76.

    24: Marino, L. 2017. Thinking chickens: a review of cognition, emotion, and behavior in the domestic chicken. Animal Cognition 20(2): 127–147.

    25: “European_Union_Council_Directive_1999/74/EC.” Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Web 03 August 2018, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Union_Council_Directive_1999/74/EC

    26: “Farm Animal Confinement Bans.” American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Web. 03 August 2018, www.aspca.org/animal-protection/public-policy/farm-animal-confinement-bans

    27: World Organization for Animal Health, “Terrestrial Animal Health Code” (2017). www.rr-africa.oie.int/docspdf/en/Codes/en_csat-vol1.pdf